Masochistic Perceptions, Trials and Truths

These are my cyberfied cerebral synapses ricocheting off reality as I perceive it: thoughts, opinions, passions, rants, art and poetry...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Symphonic Blathering in Dr. Faustus' Ear

I've just returned home from a concert of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, and the evening has been very meditative in nature. It truly is amazing to be a part of something so large as a full orchestra, if only as a spectator. An orchestra is an excellent metaphor for the human body as, when all is concordant amongst the various instruments, the overall massive depth and beauty of sound is magical.

I often feel depressed after such an uplifting evening. This is largely because, as much as I love music, I don't believe it is in me to ever be a part of something so massive and great. I tinker with the guitar, but my dexterity and aptitude for music just isn't where I want it to be. Sure, I most probably set standards that are of an unattainable expectation level over a certain period of time. Perhaps my inability to develop patience has been a large culprit in my inability to get to where I want to be; a virtue that I've attempted to cultivate over the years via Yoga, meditation and Chess.

So, I suppose, the meditative mindset attending a symphony is as close to being part of things as I am destined to be. True, with no one to listen, what is music? I do feel that I am at a significant point in my life right now. Living in the moment, now should always be significant. Still, as Zen as I'd like to be, I feel that, as I am nearly 40, the midlife crises that has been my life is coming to a certain, indescribable junction. I am endeavouring to chose a more pastoral path as my body is becoming less and less hi-impact activity friendly. I nearly went for my certification as a Yoga teacher this month, but backed out at the last minute. The expense was one reason…

in fact, let me digress on this point! I would love to live a healthy, holistic, environmentally friendly life, but all the trapping of that culture are bloody expensive. It kills me that there is a whole industry profiting from the Yoga-Environmental-Save-the- planet-in-style culture. I admit it: I love Prana and Lululemon. Surely, if the makers of these products believe in their mantras of making a better world, then why not make their products more accessible? Bad karma!

Though I digressed, part of my digression is relevant as to why I didn't go for my certification. A part of me feels that I'd be jumping on a fad band wagon, contrary to my punk rock nature. I got into Yoga before there was a Lululemon in the early mid 1990's, and liked it for what it was and should be. I'm glad there are people out there with studios, getting people into Yoga… I suppose I do regret not going for my certification, but, overall, I just didn't feel that the time was right for me. I am just starting a new class tomorrow from a guy who is pretty much in the same mindset as I am… I don't know….

So, the pastoral life is definitely Yoga filled in my future. The important thing is to make Yoga and the balance Yoga seeks in all aspects of my life. I'm also contemplating becoming a vegetarian again. I was a veggie from 1992-95, all starting with an unpleasant series of meal in Czechoslovakia where I was living and teaching. I was rarely sick that whole time and dropped from 220 lbs to 165 lbs. I did it because it felt good. I don't buy all the anti-meat stuff from a health perspective as there are chemical cocktails in everything we eat these days. Morally, I could never kill a cow or chicken, so perhaps I shouldn't eat them…

Yoga aside, I have a good book on classical guitar that I might wade through. The problem in developing such proficiencies in guitar and Chess just require way too much time. I teach Junior High and have a family to raise. Though my time is German engineered with Swiss precision, I still find it difficult to fit all the living I want to do in.

This blog entry has become much like the freewriting that I do with my students. Just felt like writing (something else I wish I had the time to focus on). It's way past my bedtime and the first bell rings early.

Thanks for dropping by.



Thursday, September 20, 2007

Published Again

Yay! My Soccer vent got published last Sunday in the Edmonton Journal! I'm 2 for 3 with two consecutive letters being published with the Journal and have one pending right now (protesting the fact that the cheapest tix to our new WHL franchise, the Oil Kings, start at just over $30 per game! This id Junior Hockey!). I also hope to have a letter published in next months Yoga Journal. Freedom of the press is a wonderful thing...

...don't forget that my two fictional pieces are available via the links to your right...

...still can't help running the Pink Floyd refrain through my thought: "is there anybody out there?", or the Cranberries: "Does anyone care?"

Thursday, September 06, 2007

From Pokes at Poker to a Pitch for a Pro Soccer Club on a Local Pitch

Well, I managed to get my anti-poker piece (...well not anti-poker, but rather a push to poke poker off the major sports television networks to make way for other, somewhat more inspiring and popular team sports ) published in the Edmonton Journal's Sports Venting section this past weekend, though they edited out my comment about Poker on sports channels inspiring people to get fat rather than fit/active. So, hoping this will create a bit of a buzz, it's off to my next wee bit of social demolition...

I have submitted the following article to the same Venting column, this time about getting a professional Soccer franchise in the M.L.S. for Edmonton. Subsequent attempts have failed with the Brickmen or Bricklayers or whatever they called themselves back in the 1980's de-funked CSL, and, more recently, the failed Edmonton Aviators of the USL (a league that seems to be doing okay). Though this formula is my idea for a soccer club in Edmonton might seem boring, it can also serve as a guide to any owner contemplating starting a North American Soccer club (cos let's face it, it seems the rest of the world has things figured out). Anyway, this is my mini-vent. For a more detailed version of my divine soccer plan (which the papers probably wouldn't publish), scroll down to an article I wrote a while back about the beautiful game in Canada.

...and one last word, I don't know if this counts, but I hereby claim the rights to the name Edmonton City Football Club (or ECFC or Edmonton City F.C.) but am willing to sell it for $5000 USD, two lifetime seasons tickets and a free inaugural jersey should the club ever come to exist...

Here's my vent, and, until I have something closer to home GO T.F.C.!:

Toronto F.C. shows how soccer can be a success in Canada: 1.) don't give your club a dumb name (i.e. Aviators), 2.) build a stadium that won't seem cavernous with 20,000 fans (i.e. Commonwealth = bad, renovated Clarke Park = good) and 3.) design a strip folks would want to wear (i.e. not with gaudy soccer balls wearing silly hats). Who's up for starting Edmonton City F.C. in a bid for a MLS expansion franchise?

VISIT: and support pro soccer in North America!
